运动损伤sportstreatmentthe | 其他书籍 2022-04-20 265 0star收藏 版权: . 保留作者信息 . 禁止商业使用 . 禁止修改作品
在体育锻炼的过程中,人们不可避免地会遭受运动损伤。 《运动损伤预防、治疗与康复》由25位著名医生和治疗师合着,结合近百幅彩色骨骼肌肉解剖图,概述了人体各部位130种运动损伤的常见原因。 身体。 、识别方法、治疗方法、恢复运动的条件和注意事项等进行讲解,为教练员、专业运动员和运动爱好者提供全面的运动损伤预防、治疗和康复指导。 同时,本文介绍了如何制定科学的体育锻炼计划,正确搭配营养膳食,并对运动损伤的主要类型、治疗原则、主要治疗技术和评估方法进行说明,旨在帮助读者有效预防和预防。 受伤。 事件发生后安全返回运动场。

(In the process of physical exercise, people will inevitably suffer sports injuries. "Prevention, treatment and rehabilitation of sports injuries", CO authored by 25 famous doctors and therapists, combined with nearly 100 color anatomical drawings of skeletal muscles, summarizes the common causes of 130 kinds of sports injuries in various parts of the human body. Body Explain the identification methods, treatment methods, conditions and precautions for sports recovery, so as to provide comprehensive sports injury prevention, treatment and rehabilitation guidance for coaches, professional athletes and sports lovers. At the same time, this paper introduces how to formulate a scientific physical exercise plan, correctly match nutritious diet, and explain the main types, treatment principles, main treatment techniques and evaluation methods of sports injury, in order to help readers effectively prevent and prevent sports injury. injured. Return to the playground safely after the incident.)



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