Xianyu电商AppThe | 其它视频/教程 2023-03-09 334 0star收藏 版权: . 保留作者信息 . 禁止商业使用 . 禁止修改作品
你有没有去过一些二手网站或应用程序来搜索东西?最常用的可能是闲鱼App。作为一个流量池,闲鱼App的流量非常可观。但是如何通过闲鱼卖产品,还是一门很大的功夫。如果你也有做闲鱼电商的想法,可以一起学习哦! 9 项教学大纲将带您练习。

(Have you ever been to some used website or app to search for stuff? The most commonly used one is probably Xianyu App. As a traffic pool, the traffic of Xianyu App is very impressive. But how to sell products through Xianyu is still a lot of work. If you also have the idea of ??doing Xianyu e-commerce, you can learn together! The 9-item syllabus will take you through the practice.)


