HivecomputingMapReducethe | 其它视频/教程 2023-03-09 183 0star收藏 版权: . 保留作者信息 . 禁止商业使用 . 禁止修改作品
Hive作为数据仓库工具,底层计算由分布式计算框架实现。目前,Hive 支持三种计算引擎,分别是 MapReduce、Tez 和 Spark。 Hive默认的计算引擎是MapReduce,由hive.execution.engine参数属性控制。


(Hive is used as a data warehouse tool, and the underlying computing is implemented by a distributed computing framework. Currently, Hive supports three computing engines, namely MapReduce, Tez and Spark. Hive's default computing engine is MapReduce, which is controlled by the hive.execution.engine parameter property.

The course is oriented to the development and tuning of Hive3.X, in-depth Hive source-level teaching, allowing students to learn higher-level technologies. At the end of the course, the training content related to Hive interviews is also included, so that students will no longer be afraid when encountering related interview questions.)


