versiontheWINHEXSpecialist | 程序非源代码 2021-08-10 845 0star收藏 版权: . 保留作者信息 . 禁止商业使用 . 禁止修改作品
很久以前搞过一次32的.之后就没有再看过.看到网上有WinHex v19.3 x86 x64 Specialist的和谐版.而且X64的也有了. 就重新搞了一个(之前代码没带回来.扔在老东家那了).  新版本VS2017编译.覆盖原版自带的文件就可以了.

(I did a 32 version a long time ago. I haven’t read it again. I saw that there is a harmonious version of WinHex v19.3 x86 x64 Specialist on the Internet. And there is also a X64 version. That's it for the old club). The new version of VS2017 is compiled. Just overwrite the files that came with the original version.)


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