TheNexusnexusSupportandConfigThe | 教育系统应用 2022-09-06 135 0star收藏 版权: . 保留作者信息 . 禁止商业使用 . 禁止修改作品

(The third part of the Cisco Nexus Switching course: (completed in mid-September 2012) Cisco Nexus series switches include TheNexus7000, TheNexus5000, TheNexus2000, and Nexus1000V, which are the primary components of the Cisco data core. The core actually realizes the high availability of 24x7x365. In addition, it also provides high-end Features such as: In-ServiceSoftwareUpgrade (ISSU), virtualdevicecontexts (vDC), virtualPortChannels (vPC), VN-Link, and UnifiedFabricforFibreChanneloverEthernet (FCoE). A good grasp of learning Nexus series switches, the first chapters of this course design are: Introduction to CiscoNX-OSLayer2SupportandConfigurationsLayer3SupportandConfigurationsSecurityHighAvailabilityEmbeddedServiceabilityFeaturesUnifiedFabricNexus1000V)

