transmission新业务the城域网 | 家庭/个人应用 2022-08-27 59 0star收藏 版权: . 保留作者信息 . 禁止商业使用 . 禁止修改作品

(Due to the increasing demand for different types of information, the accompanying growing demands for new services such as IP data, voice, multimedia images, etc., have prompted the transmission network environment of major network operators to generate an earth-shaking change. In the past, traditional metropolitan area networks and access networks, which used to carry analog voice as their main purpose, have been unable to meet the requirements of various new service transmission and management in terms of capacity and interface types. Therefore, due to the rapid development of social information, those technologies and equipments that provide new business transmission for metropolitan area networks and access networks develop rapidly. Among them, the development of MSTP (Multi-Service Transmission Platform) and PON (Passive Optical Network) are the most representative. They are all based on optical fiber transmission technology and provide a variety of new service bearers in the metropolitan area network or access network. solution.)

