ExcpHookTheExceptionMonitor | 程序非源代码 2021-05-27 362 0star收藏 版权: . 保留作者信息 . 禁止商业使用 . 禁止修改作品
ExcpHook 0.0.5-rc2,ExcpHook is an open source (see license.txt) Exception Monitor for Windows madeby Gynvael Coldwind (Team Vexillium).
Currently supported Windows versions: XP SP2 and XP SP3
Please note that this is ALPHA version.

ExcpHook Exception Monitor is an exception monitor, made for Windows XP. The
monitoring part is kernel-level (technically, in a driver), so in opposite to user-land
monitors, ExcpHook does not have to be a debugger for the monitored processes,
nor it doesn't have to change their environment/code/data in anyway.
Additionally, ExcpHook is not tied up with one process - it monitors every process
in the system, letting the user filter out the interesting processes by providing a
part of the image name of the process.


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