(CiscoPacketTracer6.2 is the latest version of the Cisco simulator, and Cisco has not officially updated version 6.3 or even 6.4 at present. CiscoPacketTracer is a very famous graphical interface network simulator produced by Cisco. The Cisco simulator can provide a nearly perfect experimental environment for Cisco network engineers, administrators, and Cisco certificate candidates. ciscopackettracer6.2 functions and improvements: users can modify the size of the office area; can draw rectangles and ellipses; automatically create labels for interface names; In the "Language" folder of the program directory; (2) the menu bar opens Optionsgt<imgsrc="static/image/smiley/default/titter.gif"smilieid="9"border="0"alt=""/>references , select "Chinese.ptl" in "SelectLanguage" under the Interface tab, and then click [ChangeLanguage] in the lower right corner.
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