Mucki's Protector v1.0 decryptor, A full Mucki's Protector decryptor (sources inc
After a few weeks, i'm proud to bring you my Mucki's Protector v1.0 decryptor.

This cryptor uses a single NOT encryption, the hardest work was to recalculate the OEP...

Source code in masm is also included (perhaps included for the last time ,

because there are no credits and thanks for it!) for those who are interested...

See you soon ...

Also included the source of the original crypter (comments updated by me, but I left main of the code)...


上一篇:ExeSafeguard 1.0 Source Code
下一篇:VisualAssist 10.4.1647.0 - Cracked.DLL - Av0id