the聚生registration网管 | 邮电通讯系统 2022-06-25 102 0star收藏 版权: . 保留作者信息 . 禁止商业使用 . 禁止修改作品
1.安装“聚生网管2.1原版”。2.时间破解第一步:将系统时间调到该程序过期,然后运行一次;第二步:使用“聚生网管2.1时间限制破解补丁”进行修补;第三步:运行聚生网管2.1程序提示注册,您随便输入一个注册码,然后重新启动就可以使用了3.用户数限制破解跟游戏修改器使用方法同,先运行“聚生网管2.1免20用户限制”文件夹里的“修改器”,再运行“聚生”,不要点击“全部控制”,自己手动一个一个的选中。然后可以关闭修改器了。然后在你下次重启机器前都不必再运行修改器,即使你重新运行了“聚生网管”。===============附:根据二○○二年一月一日《计算机软件保护条例》规定:为了学习和研究软件内含的设计思想和原理,通过安装、显示、传输或者存储软件等方式使用软件的,可以不经软件著作权人许可,不向其支付报酬!鉴于此,也希望大家按此说明研究软件!谢谢============================================================内存注册机的使用方法如下: 把注册机下载后保存或解压到程序所在目录,执行注册机,原程序自动运行,选中注册框,在注册码输入栏内输入任意的字符,点确定,马上被内存注册机拦截,弹出正确的注册码,复制正确的注册码粘贴到注册码输入栏内点击注册便可完成注册!内存注册机只能用于相同版本软件,请注意核对版本号。破解补丁的使用方法:把破解补丁拷贝到程序所在目录,执行,便可完成文件的修补丁,即可解决软件原有的各种限制!现在小部分国内杀毒软件把注册机(特别是内存注册机)报告为病毒(一般报为hack.psw.foxmail病毒)这是为了打击破解,盗版。如果你觉得软件好用,建议向作者注册或购买!如果你对误报病毒很在乎,请不要下载使用。我们提供的软件尽量测试后上传的.该软件来自互联网,若无意中侵犯到你的版权,请联系删除。如果您喜欢,请支持正版!!!本资料共包含以下附件:

(1. install "Jusheng network management 2.1 original". 2. the first step of time cracking: adjust the system time to the expiration of the program, and then run it once; Step 2: use "Jusheng network management 2.1 time limit cracking patch" to repair; Step 3: run the Jusheng network management 2.1 program to prompt for registration. You can enter a registration code and restart it to use 3 The user limit cracking method is the same as that of the game modifier. First run the "modifier" in the "Jusheng network management 2.1 free 20 user limit" folder, and then run "Jusheng". Do not click "control all" and manually select one by one. You can then turn off the modifier. Then you don't have to run the modifier until you restart the machine next time, even if you re run the "Jusheng network management"=============== Attachment: according to the regulations on the protection of computer software on January 1, 2002, in order to learn and study the design ideas and principles contained in the software, anyone who uses the software by installing, displaying, transmitting or storing the software may not obtain the license of the software copyright owner or pay remuneration to him! In view of this, I also hope you can study the software according to this description! Thank you ===================================================================================; amp; nbsp; After downloading the registration machine, save or decompress it to the directory where the program is located, execute the registration machine, and the original program will run automatically. Select the registration box, enter any character in the registration code input column, and click OK. It will be immediately blocked by the memory registration machine, and the correct registration code will pop up. Copy the correct registration code and paste it into the registration code input column. Click registration to complete the registration! The memory registration machine can only be used for the same version of software. Please check the version number. How to use the cracked patch: copy the cracked patch to the directory where the program is located and execute it to complete the file repair patch, which can solve the original limitations of the software! At present, a small number of domestic anti-virus software report the registration machine (especially the memory registration machine) as a virus (generally reported as hack.psw.foxmail virus) in order to combat cracking and piracy. If you think the software is easy to use, it is recommended to register or buy it from the author! If you care about the false positive virus, please do not download it. We try to upload the software after testing This software comes from the Internet. If it accidentally infringes your copyright, please contact us to delete it. If you like, please support genuine!!! This document contains the following attachments:
Installation must see txt
Modifier. exe
setup. exe
Jusheng network management 2.10 operating instructions doc
Common problems of Jusheng network management doc
explain. htm
Jusheng network management
Jusheng network management 2.1 original
Jusheng network management 2.1 time limit cracking patch
Jusheng network management 2.1 cracked version)


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