scratchthesourcesystem | PHP编程 2023-01-11 149 0star收藏 版权: . 保留作者信息 . 禁止商业使用 . 禁止修改作品
彩知屋是G内首家提供scratch开源定制和少儿编程培训管理系统源码的服务商。彩知屋提供的scratch培训管理系统,可定制开源,方便用户使用。二次开发。公司服务于全G各地的客户。 Xia系统可以进行在线演示操作。

(Caizhiwu is the first service provider in China to provide scratch open source customization and the source code of children's programming training management system. The scratch training management system provided by Caizhiwu can be customized and open source, which is convenient for users to use. secondary development. The company serves customers all over the country. The Xia system can perform online demonstration operations.)



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