Thegame'stoattribute | 前端开发 2022-04-23 204 0star收藏 版权: . 保留作者信息 . 禁止商业使用 . 禁止修改作品
文字游戏网页的源代码主要是抽卡元素,随着玩家添加的属性点,产生不同的生命结局。 现实生活中,有很多人犯错想要重新开始,但人最宝贵的就是时间,只能在游戏中感受。 想要修仙,必须有“神秘小盒子”的天赋,不然活不到90岁,上传源码到根目录解压后访问/view,开启人生之旅 .

(The main attribute of the game is to add the character of the game's web page, and the main attribute of the game's web page is to add the character of the game's source card. In real life, many people make mistakes and want to start over, but the most precious thing is time, which can only be felt in the game. If you want to cultivate immortality, you must have the talent of "mysterious little box", otherwise you will not live to 90 years old. Upload the source code to the root directory, unzip it, and then visit / view to start the journey of life)


