personality人格thein | 其他书籍 2022-04-20 236 0star收藏 版权: . 保留作者信息 . 禁止商业使用 . 禁止修改作品
九型人格是近年来MG斯坦福大学等G际知名大学MBA学生中最受欢迎的课程之一。财富 500 强公司的管理层都在研究九型人格,并以此来培训员工、组建团队和提高执行力。九型人格作为一种人格心理学理论在当前社会并没有得到主流心理学界的认可,但近年来,弗吉尼亚大学威廉玛丽学院咨询教育专业博士生萨拉·斯科特在MG,曾在博士论文中对九型人格系统进行了科学评估,结果确定九型人格是一个准确的系统。在当代,虽然它仍然是一种基于企业文化中九个人格特征的数字特征来理解职场文化的测试,但它仍然是对企业前期规划、战略确定、辅导和企业培训的测试。个性有很大的优势。

(Type 9 personality is one of the most popular courses among MBA students from international famous universities such as Stanford University in the United States in recent years. The management of Fortune 500 companies are studying the nine personality types to train employees, form teams and improve execution. As a theory of personality psychology, type 9 personality has not been recognized by the mainstream psychology circle in the current society, but in recent years, Sarah Scott, a doctoral student majoring in consulting education at William Mary College of the University of Virginia, conducted a scientific evaluation of the type 9 personality system in her doctoral thesis in the United States, and the results determined that type 9 personality is an accurate system. In contemporary times, although it is still a test to understand workplace culture based on the digital characteristics of nine personality characteristics in corporate culture, it is still a test of early-stage planning, strategy determination, counseling and corporate training. Personality has great advantages.)



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