Theandyouof | 其他书籍 2022-04-20 222 0star收藏 版权: . 保留作者信息 . 禁止商业使用 . 禁止修改作品

“我什么都没说,我怎么会觉得讨厌?” “我第一眼就不喜欢那个人。”见面的那一刻给人的印象总是那么不合理。为了给人留下好印象,你仔细看,努力找话题,仔细选择你的词——但你却莫名其妙地不喜欢你!而有些人,只是一个简单的微笑,一个小小的手势,就能瞬间赢得对方的好感。那些看起来很肤浅的东西是不容小觑的。本书作者基于多年的心理学和脑科学工作经验和研究经验,创造了一套普遍适用的印象制作技巧——“表情+聊天技巧+表情”。从“表面”做起,只需一点点改变,就可以在人际交往的初级阶段瞬间被点赞,为接下来的深入交流打下良好的基础!





大多数人跑错路了吗?想要快速奔跑并专注于骨骼吗? “前脚掌着地阻力小”是真的吗?铃木清香教练通过对运动医学和运动生理学的深入研究,创造了一套适合亚洲人的跑步方法。他提出,每个跑者都可以根据自己的身材来判断自己的身材,比如上身和腿的比例等等骨骼类型,然后调整自己的跑姿,跑得更省力、更伤。在“骨骼跑法”中,铃木清香教练详细介绍了训练跑步姿势的“骨骼跑法”和训练耐力的“细胞分裂法”。他将大家分为3类——摆动式、扭动式和活塞式,针对每种类型都提出了更有针对性的训练方案,让你跑得更久,跑得更远!






德国《明镜周刊》畅销书。全球已售出超过 200 万份。学会像赢家一样思考和打破界限。 《欧洲的巴菲特》和《财务自由之路》的作者博多·谢弗给你成功和幸福的答案。德国顶级投资者 Reina Zittleman 强烈推荐它。从金融危机到财务自由的 30 种方法! 《赢家法则》是博多·谢弗的“毕生作品”,他26岁就破产,仅仅四年半就实现了财务自由。 《赢家法则》讲述的是他在30岁时学会了成为亿万富翁的30条规则。



(First impression Handbook"I didn't say anything. How can I feel disgusted?" "I didn't like that man at first sight." The impression at the moment of meeting is always so unreasonable. In order to make a good impression, you look carefully, try to find a topic and choose your words carefully - but you don't like you for no reason! And some people, just a simple smile, a small gesture, can instantly win each other's favor. Those things that look very superficial should not be underestimated. Based on years of working and research experience in psychology and brain science, the author of this book has created a set of generally applicable impression making skills - "expression + chat skills + expression". Starting from the "surface", with only a little change, you can be instantly praised in the initial stage of interpersonal communication, laying a good foundation for further communication!Craftsman PhilosophyWhy do you feel lonely? Do you often brush your mobile phone aimlessly? Is your work and life out of control and chaotic? Are you easily distracted and difficult to concentrate?Has your spiritual life become fragmented? How did you fall into the business's marketing routine step by step? Are you overwhelmed by the amount of information on the Internet and gradually lose yourself? For these unique problems in modern social life, "craftsman philosophy" will give answers, uncover the truth and crux behind them, and help readers really solve problems with "craftsman philosophy".Bone runningDid most people run the wrong way? Want to run fast and focus on your bones? Is it true that "the landing resistance of the forefoot is small"? Through in-depth research on sports medicine and sports physiology, coach Suzuki Qingxiang created a set of running methods suitable for Asians. He base note that each runner can judge his figure according to his figure, such as the ratio of the upper body and the leg, and so on, and then adjust his running posture to save more effort and hurt. In the "bone running method", coach Suzuki Qingxiang introduced in detail the "bone running method" for training running posture and the "cell division method" for training endurance. He divided everyone into three types - swing, twist and piston, and put forward more targeted training programs for each type, so that you can run longer and farther!"Well done"Guo Degang's handwriting tells the story of his 40 years of life. So far, the only life review, honor and disgrace, self-knowledge, self-cleaning and peace. The book records Guo Degang's mental journey over the years, as well as his perception and Thinking on life, crosstalk art and life. Writing style is calm, not sensational, not boastful, not artificial, not disguised, not avoided. This book has a distinctive style of Guo, laughing and scolding into articles, humorous words, unique words and humorous language, which can not help but make people laugh and create unparalleled reading fun for us. This fun is as pleasant as his comic works. Even in the face of the bleak situation of no one in the audience, Guo Degang still maintained a sense of humor."Choose the right way and run"Life is like a race. Once you set foot on different tracks, you will start a completely different story. If you make the wrong choice at the beginning, it's futile to run hard. Choosing the right path is a prerequisite. Only by finding the right direction can the struggle be meaningful. In this book, the author systematically expounds how to establish decision-making thinking and help you make correct choices at all stages of your life according to his own career experience and a large number of customer career cases. The reasons for low efficiency are given, and the solutions are given.Winner's ruleGerman "Der Spiegel weekly" bestseller. More than 2 million copies have been sold worldwide. Learn to think and break boundaries like winners. Bodo Schaeffer, the author of Buffett in Europe and the road to financial freedom, gives you the answers to success and happiness. Reina zittleman, Germany's top investor, strongly recommends it. 30 ways from financial crisis to financial freedom! The winner's law is Bodo Schaeffer's "lifelong work". He went bankrupt at the age of 26 and achieved financial freedom in only four and a half years. The winner's rule is about the 30 rules he learned to become a billionaire at the age of 30.Smart future"Smart future" brings together 18 articles by Li Kaifu on personal growth, youth education and scientific and technological innovation. Each article is an epitome of Kaifu's focus on Chinese youth and Chinese education and science and technology in writing,)

