设计模式designthepattern | 其它视频/教程 2022-04-11 219 0star收藏 版权: . 保留作者信息 . 禁止商业使用 . 禁止修改作品
好的编程不仅是开发者的基本功,也是能力的分水岭。 除了满足基本功能,如何让你的代码简洁、高效、可复用? 除了不断的迭代,学习设计模式是最好的捷径。 因为设计模式是开发人员通过反复试验反复使用的经验总结,它也是一般问题的最佳解决方案。 然而,很多人却陷入了这样的误解:设计模式是抽象的知识,只能用于面试; 他们学习示例代码,但无法自己编写; 设计模式过于简单,无法处理复杂的业务问题。 消除这些障碍,让设计模式真正适合你。

(Good programming is not only the basic skill of developers, but also the watershed of ability. In addition to meeting the basic functions, how to make your code concise, efficient and reusable? In addition to constant iteration, learning design patterns is the best shortcut. Because design pattern is a summary of experience that developers use repeatedly through repeated experiments, it is also the best solution to general problems. However, many people fall into the misunderstanding that design patterns are abstract knowledge and can only be used for interviews; They learn sample code, but they can't write it themselves; The design pattern is too simple to deal with complex business problems. Remove these obstacles and make the design pattern really suit you.)



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