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(Classification function, location function library is ctype.hintisalpha(intch) if ch is a letter (#39;A#39;-#39;Z#39;,#39;a#39;-#39;z#39;) Return non-zero value, otherwise return 0intisalnum(intch) if ch is a letter (#39;A#39;-#39;Z#39;,#39;a#39;-#39;z#39;) or a number (#39;0#39;-#39;9#39;) Returns a non-zero value, otherwise it returns 0intisascii(intch) If ch is a character (0-127 in ASCII code), it returns a non-zero value, otherwise it returns 0intisasctrl( intch) If ch is a scrap character (0x7F) or a general control character (0x00-0x1F), it will return a non-zero value, otherwise it will return 0intisdigit (intch) if ch is a number (#39;0#39;-#39;9#39; ) returns a non-zero value, otherwise it returns 0intisgraph(intch) if ch is a printable character (excluding spaces) (0x21-0x7E) returns a non-zero value, otherwise it returns 0intislower(intch) if ch is a lowercase letter (#39;a# 39;-#39;z#39;) return non-zero value, otherwise return 0intisprint(intch) if ch is a printable character (including spaces) (0x20-0x7E) return non-zero value, otherwise return 0intispunct(intch) if ch It is a punctuation character (0x00-0x1F) and returns a non-zero value, otherwise it returns 0intisspace (intch) if ch is a space (#39;#39;), horizontal tab (#39;\t#39;), carriage return (#39;\r#39;), paper feed (#39;\f#39;), vertical tab (#39;\v#39;), line feed (#39;\n#39 ;) return non-zero value, otherwise return 0intisupper(intch) if ch is uppercase letter (#39;A#39;-#39;Z#39;) return non-zero value, otherwise return 0intisxdigit(intch) if ch is 16 Base number (#39;0#39;-#39;9#39;,#39;A#39;-#39;F#39;,#39;a#39;-#39;f#39 ;) Return non-zero value, otherwise return 0inttolower(intch) If ch is an uppercase letter (#39;A#39;-#39;Z#39;), return the corresponding lowercase letter (#39;a#39;-# 39;z#39;)inttoupper(intch) If ch is a lowercase letter (#39;a#39;-#39;z#39;), return the corresponding uppercase letter (#39;A#39;-#39; Z# 39;) Mathematical functions, where the function library is math.h, stdlib.h, string.h, float.hintabs(inti) returns the absolute value of the integer parameter i doublecabs(structcomplexznum) returns the absolute value of the complex znum doublefabs(doublex) Returns the absolute value of the double precision parameter x longlabs(longn) returns the absolute value of the long integer parameter n doubleexp(doublex) returns the value of the exponential function ex doublefrexp(doublevalue,int
eptr) return value=x
The value of x in 2n, n is stored in eptr doubleldexp(doublevalue,intexp); return value
The value of 2exp doublelog(doublex) returns the value of logex doublelog10(doublex) returns the value of log10x doublepow(doublex, doubley) returns the value of xy doublepow10(intp) returns the value of 10p doublesqrt(doublex) returns the root of x doubleacos(doublex) Return the inverse cosine cos-1(x) value of x, x is the radian doubleasin(doublex) return the horizontal and vertical chord sin-1(x) value of x, x is the radian doubleatan(doublex) Return the horizontal and vertical tangent of x tan-1(x ) value, x is the radian doubleatan2(doubley, doublex) returns the horizontal and vertical tangent tan-1(x) value of y/x, the x of y is the radian doublecos(doublex) returns the cosine cos(x) value of x, x is the radian doublesin (doublex) returns the sine sin(x) value of x, x is the radian doubletan(doublex) returns the tangent tan(x) value of x, x is the radian doublecosh(doublex) returns the hyperbolic cosine cosh(x) value of x, x For radians doublesinh(doublex) returns the hyperbolic sine sinh(x) value of x, x is radians doubletanh(doublex) returns the hyperbolic tangent tanh(x) value of x, x is radians doublehypot(doublex, doubley) returns the right triangle oblique The length of the side (z), x and y are the lengths of the right-angled sides, z2=x2 y2doubleceil(doublex) returns the smallest integer not less than x doublefloor(doublex) returns the largest integer not greater than x voidsrand(unsignedseed) initializes random number generation The generator intrand() generates a random number and returns this number doublepoly(doublex,intn,doublec[]) generates a polynomial from the arguments doublemodf(doublevalue,double
iptr) decomposes the double value value into the mantissa and the order doublefmod(doublex, doubley) returns the remainder of x/y doublefrexp(doublevalue, int
eptr) divides the double value value into the mantissa and the order doubleatof(char
nptr) converts the string nptr to a float and returns this float doubleatoi(char
nptr) converts the string nptr to an integer and returns this integer doubleatol(char
nptr) converts the string nptr to a long integer and returns this integer char
C language function encyclopedia.doc)


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