Offer价值thevalue | 其它视频/教程 2022-04-11 194 0star收藏 版权: . 保留作者信息 . 禁止商业使用 . 禁止修改作品
说白了,面试就是向HR展示你的价值。 更准确的描述是,你能为公司带来什么价值? 每个人都在努力学习软件测试,为了学到一些东西并得到一个自己满意的高薪offer,而得到高薪offer的前提是你需要得到可以提供高薪的公司的认可 - 支付报价。 价值,所以面试就成了一个很关键的环节,怎么才能让HR明白你的价值。 这是让自己发光的时刻。

(To put it bluntly, the interview is to show your value to HR. More accurately, what value can you bring to the company? Everyone is studying software testing hard. In order to learn something and get a high salary offer that they are satisfied with, the premise of getting a high salary offer is that you need to be recognized by the company that can provide high salary - pay the quotation. Value, so the interview has become a key link. How can HR understand your value. This is the time to shine.)


