developmentthe程序开发 | 其它视频/教程 2022-04-11 216 0star收藏 版权: . 保留作者信息 . 禁止商业使用 . 禁止修改作品
都是干货的小程序开发课程。 来自一线厂商的讲师和技术,让学生学习和掌握最实用的小程序开发技术。 课程内容从第一个程序的开发细节,到实用小案例的教学,深入到自定义组件的开发,使用npm包,全局数据共享,自定义tabBar,托管环境,数据绑定,微信小程序 协同工作与发布,微信小程序生命周期与wxs,以及小程序开发案例实践,让学生学习到最新的一线开发技术。

(Are small program development courses for dry goods. Lecturers and technology from front-line manufacturers enable students to learn and master the most practical small program development technology. The course contents range from the development details of the first program, to the teaching of practical small cases, to the development of custom components, the use of NPM package, global data sharing, custom tabbar, hosting environment, data binding, wechat applet collaborative work and release, wechat applet life cycle and WXS, and the practice of applet development cases, so that students can learn the latest front-line development technology.)



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