theITILandITILV3 | 企业管理 2022-09-16 108 0star收藏 版权: . 保留作者信息 . 禁止商业使用 . 禁止修改作品

(Information technology infrastructure library, a set of frameworks for standard information technology service management, can use the process to optimize existing resources to improve the level of information technology services, so that IT personnel no longer only consider technical aspects, but also Connect with business, and then confirm the value of IT arrangement to the enterprise. In order to respond to the rapidly developing and changing IT service management business, the latest ITILVersion3.0 (ITILV3) was launched on May 30, 2007 to meet the practical needs of the business. The primary difference between ITILV3 and V2 lies in the introduction of the service life cycle model and the provision of many rich new resources, so that ITIL no longer only talks about "what to do", but clearly explains "how to do it", and strengthens the relationship with COBLT, The connection of CMMI, 6Sigma and other standards, the increasingly powerful core structure, and the continuous addition of descriptive solutions, etc., allow enterprises to design and implement ITIL suitable for their own business according to their needs. Before the company officially introduces ITILV3, the teaching practice of personnel will be the first step of all actions, in order to prepare the personnel for office before the implementation of ITIL, Guan enterprise ITILV2-V3 upgrade course, ITILV3Foundation certification training and a series of courses.
2012 Gu Antianxia-ITIL Training Instructions.pdf)

