theStructuresControland | 其他 2021-08-20 480 0star收藏 版权: . 保留作者信息 . 禁止商业使用 . 禁止修改作品
PrefaceWelcome to Starting Out with Java: From Control Structures through Objects, -Seventh Edition. This book is intended for a one-semester or a two-quarter CS1 course. Although it is written for students with no prior programming background, even experienced students will benefit from its depth of detail.
Control Structures First,Control Structures First, Then ObjectsThis text first introduces the student to the fundamentals of data types, input and output, control structures, methods, and objects created from standard library classes.
Next, the student learns to use arrays of primitive types and reference types. After this, the student progresses through more advanced topics, such as inheritance, polymorphism, the creation and management of packages, GUI applications, recursion, and database programming. From early in the book, applications are documented with javadoc comments. As the student progresses through the text, new javadoc tags are covered and demonstrated.
As with all the books in the Starting Out With … series, the hallmark of this text is its clear, friendly, and easy-to-understand writing. In addition, it is rich in example programs that are concise and practical.

Starting Out with Java From Control Structures through Objects Ed 7.rar

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