Keras神经网络tensorflow深度 | 网络安全教程 2023-03-07 209 0star收藏 版权: . 保留作者信息 . 禁止商业使用 . 禁止修改作品
摘下 Keras 头巾。虽然之前在很多深度学习课程中都提到过Keras,但是把Keras作为一个单独的项目来全面讲授应该还是第一次。 Keras是一个基于theano/tensorflow的纯python编写的深度学习框架。 Keras 是一种高级神经网络 API,支持快速实验,可以快速将您的想法转化为结果。

(Take off the Keras hood. Although Keras has been mentioned in many deep learning courses before, it should be the first time that Keras is fully taught as a separate project. Keras is a deep learning framework written in pure python based on theano/tensorflow. Keras is a high-level neural network API that supports rapid experimentation to quickly turn your ideas into results.)


