上一讲我简单提到了TCP/IP协议,它是HTTP协议的下层协议,负责具体的数据传输。 并且还专门说TCP/IP协议是一个“分层协议栈”。
网络分层的知识在教科书中都有,但很多都是“泛化的”,只有“学术价值”,很容易与实际应用“脱节”。 有时你会感到“困惑”。

(Last time, I briefly mentioned TCP / IP protocol, which is the lower layer protocol of HTTP protocol and is responsible for specific data transmission. It also specifically says that TCP / IP protocol is a "layered protocol stack".In your work, you must often hear others say "four layers of load balancing", "seven layers of load balancing", "two layers of forwarding" and "three layers of routing". Do you really understand the meaning of these layers?The knowledge of network stratification exists in textbooks, but many of them are "generalized", only "academic value", which is easy to be "disconnected" from practical application. Sometimes you feel "confused".So, today I'll help you sort out these vague concepts from the perspective of HTTP applications.)

