JavaScriptprogramminglanguage编程语言 | 软件工程 2022-04-26 228 0star收藏 版权: . 保留作者信息 . 禁止商业使用 . 禁止修改作品
JavaScript 是一种面向 Web 的编程语言。绝大多数现代网站都使用 JavaScript,所有现代网络浏览器——基于桌面系统、游戏机、平板电脑和智能手机的浏览器——都包含一个 JavaScript 解释器。这使得 JavaScript 成为历史上使用最广泛的编程语言。 JavaScript也是前端开发工程师必须掌握的三项技能之一:描述网页内容的HTML、描述网页样式的CSS和描述网页行为的JavaScript。本书将帮助你掌握 JavaScript 语言。
如果您有其他语言的编程经验,这将帮助您了解 JavaScript 是一种高端、动态、弱类型的编程语言,非常适合面向对象和函数式编程风格。 JavaScript的语法来自Java,它的一等函数来自Scheme,其基于原型的继承来自Self。但是你不必了解那些(Java/Scheme/Self)语言或熟悉那些术语就可以使用本书来学习JavaScript。
“JavaScript”这个名字经常被误解。除了看起来类似于 Java 的语法之外,JavaScript 和 Java 是两种完全不同的编程语言。 JavaScript 早已超越了它的“脚本语言”(scripting-language)本身的范畴,成为一种集健壮性、效率和通用性于一身的编程语言。最新的语言版本为严肃的大规模软件开发定义了许多新功能。

(JavaScript is a web oriented programming language. Most modern websites use JavaScript, and all modern web browsers - browsers based on desktop systems, game consoles, tablets and smartphones - include a JavaScript interpreter. This makes JavaScript the most widely used programming language in history. JavaScript is also one of the three skills that front-end development engineers must master: HTML to describe Web page content, CSS to describe Web page style and JavaScript to describe Web page behavior. This book will help you master the JavaScript language.If you have programming experience in other languages, it will help you understand that JavaScript is a high-end, dynamic and weak programming language, which is very suitable for object-oriented and functional programming style. The syntax of JavaScript comes from Java, its first-class function comes from scheme, and its prototype based inheritance comes from self. But you don't have to know those (Java / scheme / self) languages or be familiar with those terms to use this book to learn JavaScript.The name "JavaScript" is often misunderstood. In addition to the syntax that looks similar to Java, JavaScript and Java are two completely different programming languages. JavaScript has long gone beyond the scope of its "scripting language" itself and become a programming language integrating robustness, efficiency and versatility. The latest language version defines many new functions for serious large-scale software development.)


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