jQuery所有Thecomprehensive | 软件工程 2022-04-26 264 0star收藏 版权: . 保留作者信息 . 禁止商业使用 . 禁止修改作品
14607*-*jQuery的快速发展和巨大成功是其他所有开发框架都无法比拟的,它已经成为Web开发者必须具备的核心技能之一。 如果你没有掌握 jQuery 或者你的技能还不够,我建议你仔细阅读这本书并付诸实践。 与同类jQuery书籍相比,它有3大优势:内容非常全面,包含了jQuery的几乎所有内容; 基于最新版本的jQuery,所有新功能一目了然; 非常实用,不仅有118个例子,还有2个综合案例。

(The rapid development and great success of jQuery are unmatched by all other development frameworks. It has become one of the core skills that web developers must have. If you don't master jQuery or your skills are not enough, I suggest you read this book carefully and put it into practice. Compared with similar jQuery books, it has three advantages: the content is very comprehensive, including almost all the contents of jQuery; Based on the latest version of jQuery, all new functions are clear at a glance; Very practical. There are not only 118 examples, but also 2 comprehensive cases.)


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