The解密水印页面 | 其他书籍 2022-04-20 236 0star收藏 版权: . 保留作者信息 . 禁止商业使用 . 禁止修改作品
《加解密》由多位看学软件安全理论大师共同打造。 读者将从《加解密》中获得许多有价值的技术。 对于专业开发人员来说,这是一本难得的好书。 这本书是从在线资源复制而来的。 原文件477M,有水印。 本次重印去除水印,清除页面污渍,调整页面大小,修正页面倾斜度。 分拣脱水后尺寸为90M,观看效果更佳。 读!

(Encryption and decryption was jointly created by many masters of software security theory. Readers will get many valuable technologies from encryption and decryption. For professional developers, this is a rare book. This book is copied from online resources. The original document is 477m, with watermark. This reprint removes the watermark, removes the stains on the page, adjusts the page size and corrects the page inclination. After sorting and dehydration, the size is 90m, and the viewing effect is better. Read!)

