我们thepeople基因 | 其他书籍 2022-04-20 211 0star收藏 版权: . 保留作者信息 . 禁止商业使用 . 禁止修改作品
居民膳食指南PDF版,良心作品,无推荐保健品,无广告。 我们是地球的过客,我们只是基因物质的一种表达。 反对我们的人会死。 对抗基因就像喝慢性毒药。 有各种各样的现代生活方式。 有的人一天工作8小时,有的人坐在电脑桌前10小时,有的人每天到处吐酒。 . .
各种人的日常饮食,水的保证,运动量,我们每天需要什么食物,什么食物刻在我们的基因里,什么烹调方法,每天运动量。 它将人群分为多个层次,普通人、儿童、孕妇、老人等,以最省时、最简单、最实用的方式融入我们的日常工作和生活。

(Pdf version of residents' dietary guide, works of conscience, no recommended health products, no advertisements. We are passers-by of the earth. We are just an expression of genetic material. Those who oppose us will die. Fighting genes is like drinking chronic poison. There are all kinds of modern lifestyles. Some people work 8 hours a day, some sit at the computer desk for 10 hours, and some vomit wine everywhere every dayThe daily diet of all kinds of people, the guarantee of water, the amount of exercise, what food we need every day, what food is engraved in our genes, what cooking methods, and the amount of exercise we exercise every day. It divides people into many levels, including ordinary people, children, pregnant women and the elderly, and integrates them into our daily work and life in the most time-saving, simple and practical way.)

