practical三门andthe | 其它视频/教程 2022-04-19 191 0star收藏 版权: . 保留作者信息 . 禁止商业使用 . 禁止修改作品
对于课程中提到的每一个点,从公众号定位、内容选题、粉丝成长、营销转型到用户管理等,都总结出了大量特别实用、可实施的工具或方法。 并且配合三门课程独有的“魔鬼训练营”模式,每一种方法都有高强度实践训练+助手1V1复习指导,确保大家用它来练习,获得实践能力提升,而不是听它。 一堆案件来来去去。

(For every point mentioned in the course, from the official account location, content selection, fan growth, marketing transformation to user management, a lot of special practical and feasible tools or methods have been summed up. And with the unique "devil training camp" mode of the three courses, each method has high-intensity practical training + assistant 1v1 review guidance to ensure that everyone uses it to practice and improve their practical ability instead of listening to it. A pile of cases come and go.)


