Elasticsearch实战Theand | 其它视频/教程 2022-04-10 259 0star收藏 版权: . 保留作者信息 . 禁止商业使用 . 禁止修改作品
Elastic Stack技术栈的实践是基于企业级的Elasticsearch应用和Elasticsearch集群的实战技术。 课程安排很有节奏感,实用性也很强。 它比以前的课程更具挑战性,尤其是在 Elasticsearch 失败的情况下。 转移部分。 在课程的后期,我们将进行日志系统的实战和可视化分析,从Nginx进阶到Filebeat轻量级日文解析、Kibana可视化教学实战、Logstash日志采集、转换和实战,非常 系统的企业搜索和日志案例课程。

(The practice of elastic stack technology stack is based on the enterprise level elasticsearch application and the actual technology of elasticsearch cluster. The curriculum is rhythmic and practical. It is more challenging than previous courses, especially when elasticsearch fails. Transfer part. In the later stage of the course, we will carry out the actual combat and visual analysis of the log system, from nginx advanced to filebeat lightweight Japanese parsing, kibana visual teaching practice, logstash log collection, conversion and actual combat, and a very systematic enterprise search and log case course.)


