JAVA并发programming编程 | 其它视频/教程 2022-04-10 215 0star收藏 版权: . 保留作者信息 . 禁止商业使用 . 禁止修改作品
专家级并发编程架构师级课程,完成课程可以帮助学员解决很多JAVA并发编程的疑难杂症,大大提高JAVA并发编程的效率。 课程内容包括JAVA手写线程池、UC线程池API详解、线程安全根因详解、锁与原子类、分布式锁原理与实现、并发编程-AQS等非常有针对性的JAVA编程开发教程, 这个内容对拔尖的JAVA开发技能很有帮助。

(Expert level concurrent programming architecture division level course. Completing the course can help students solve many difficulties and complications of Java Concurrent Programming and greatly improve the efficiency of Java Concurrent Programming. The course contents include Java handwritten thread pool, UC thread pool API explanation, thread safety root cause explanation, lock and atomic class, distributed lock principle and implementation, concurrent programming AQS and other very targeted Java programming and development tutorials. This content is very helpful for top-notch java development skills.)


