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(Java Programming Thinking Chinese Edition Chapter 1 Introduction to Objectives 1.1 General Progress 1.2 Interfaces of Objectives 1.3 Hiding of Implementation Schemes 1.4 Reuse of Schemes 1.5 Inheritance: Reusing Interfaces 1.5.1 Improving Base Classes 1.5.2 Equivalence and Similarity Connections 1.6 More Exchange of Shaped Objects Using 1.6.1 Dynamic Binding 1.6.2 General Base Classes and Interfaces 1.7 Object Creation and Moment of Existence 1.7.1 Calls and Inheritors 1.7.2 Single-Root Structures 1.7.3 Calling Libraries and Convenience Calls 1.7 .4 Dilemma during cleanup: Who is responsible for cleanup? 1.8 Violation control: management errors 1.9 Multithreading 1.10 Persistence 1.11 Java and the Internet 1.11.1 What is the Web? 1.11.2 Client-side programming 1.11.3 Server-side programming 1.11.4 A separate field: Use the program 1.12 Analyze and design 1.12.1 Don't get lost 1.12.2 Stage 0: Come up with a plan 1.12.3 Stage 1: What to make? 1.12.4 Stage 2: Start building? 1.12.5 Stage 3 : Officially created 1.12.6 Phase 4: Revised 1.12.7 Program's reward 1.13 Java or C  ?
Java programming thinking.chm)

