andDTD433M测控wireless | 家庭/个人应用 2022-09-02 78 0star收藏 版权: . 保留作者信息 . 禁止商业使用 . 禁止修改作品

(The DTD433M wireless data terminal provides a transparent RS232/RS485 interface, and the wireless reliable transmission distance can be used within the range of 1 meter to 3000 meters. DTD433M can not only realize point-to-point communication, but also suitable for point-to-multipoint and scattered inconvenient for digging and wiring. It does not need to write programs and does not need wiring. DTD433M can not only form a wireless measurement and control system with PLC, DCS, intelligent instruments and sensors and other equipment, but also realize the configuration of free protocol, PPI protocol and MODBUS protocol with industrial control products such as configuration software, man-machine interface, touch screen, measurement and control terminal, etc. It provides a low-cost solution for medium and short distance wireless communication for the field of industrial measurement and control.)

