theMongoDBandKoa | 编程教程 2023-03-08 193 0star收藏 版权: . 保留作者信息 . 禁止商业使用 . 禁止修改作品
Koa+MongoDB 是一对很好的组合。在本课程中,我们将跟随经验丰富的大厂工程师,进行企业级、下一代Web项目的全程实践。课程以Node.js作为入门,讲授Node中的模块化技术,逐渐快速过渡到Koa部分的内容,然后使用脚手架搭建Koa应用,然后快速推进到NoSQL和MongoDB部分,以及从而进入项目。核心部分通过每个单独的阶段进行详细讲解,直至项目搭建生产环境,最后部署项目发布上线。最后,还安排了一次课程回顾和总结。

(Koa+MongoDB is a good combination. In this course, we will follow experienced engineers from large factories to carry out the whole process of enterprise-level and next-generation Web projects. The course uses Node.js as an introduction, teaches modular technology in Node, gradually and quickly transitions to the content of the Koa part, then uses scaffolding to build Koa applications, and then quickly advances to the NoSQL and MongoDB parts, and then enters the project. The core part is explained in detail through each individual stage, until the project builds a production environment, and finally deploys the project and releases it online. Finally, a course review and summary was also arranged.)


