Ariadne可以混淆代码 | 程序非源代码 2021-06-25 380 0star收藏 版权: . 保留作者信息 . 禁止商业使用 . 禁止修改作品

Ariadne 框架使参与逆向工程的任何人都可以在逆向代码或创建新产品时节省时间。 使用 Ariadne,您可以读取和修改可执行文件、反汇编它们,甚至将一部分代码反编译为中间表示(Ariadne IR)。 当然,使用 Ariadne 不仅可以读取反汇编或反编译的指令,还可以修改它们。 此外,修改可以保存到源可执行文件中,而无需使用任何其他工具。 但这还不是全部! Ariadne 内置了一系列原始代码跟踪优化策略,可以让您在处理混淆代码时轻松很多。 Ariadne 框架最初是为了在您自己的程序中轻松使用而开发的。 Ariadne 应用程序的范围很广——从具有复杂混淆的软件分析到提供混淆和软件保护的程序。

(The Ariadne framework makes it possible for anyone who is involved in reverse engineering to save a time when reversing a code or creating new products. Using Ariadne, you can read and modify executable files, disassemble them, and even decompile a part of the code into the intermediate representation (Ariadne IR). Of course, with Ariadne you can not only read disassembled or decompiled instructions, but also modify them. Moreover, modifications can be saved into the source executable file without using any additional tools. But that's not all! Ariadne has a series of original code trace optimization strategies built-in, which can make your life a lot easier when working with obfuscated code. The Ariadne framework was initially developed for easy use in your own programs. The range of Ariadne applications is broad – from software analysis with complex obfuscation to programs that provide obfuscation and software protection.)


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