HtaeditVbseditandsupports | 程序非源代码 2021-06-13 357 0star收藏 版权: . 保留作者信息 . 禁止商业使用 . 禁止修改作品
Vbsedit 4.6.3 and Htaedit 3.2.2汉化版,Vbsedit是一款小巧而强悍的VBscript 与 Jscript 编辑工具,支持语法高亮、参数提示以及自动完成,支持调试以及监视变量,支持动态查看帮助文件等;HtaEdit是小巧的hta编辑器和调试器.

(Vbsedit is a small and powerful editing tool for VBscript and Jscript. It supports syntax highlighting, parameter prompting and automatic completion, supports debugging and monitoring variables, supports dynamic viewing of help files, etc.; HtaEdit is a compact hta editor and debugger.)


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