Hiding instructions at the end of methods in an .NET Assembly,
一篇关于在 .NET 程序集中的方法末尾隐藏指令的文章
应用程序包含许多行,这些行将堆栈留空。 在这些行之后,可以插入任何代码,只要它再次使堆栈为空。 您可以将一些值加载到堆栈中并再次将它们存储起来,而不会干扰应用程序的流程。

(Steganography VI - Hiding messages in .NET Assemblies
An article about hiding instructions at the end of methods in an .NET Assembly
An application contains lots of lines which leave the stack empty. After these lines any code can be inserted, as long as it leaves the stack empty again. You can load some values onto the stack and store them off again, without disturbing the application's flow.)


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