BJFntdecrypterworkingdecryptor | 程序非源代码 2021-05-15 402 0star收藏 版权: . 保留作者信息 . 禁止商业使用 . 禁止修改作品
Here is my working BJFnt 1.3 decrypter...

Ok, you can say that ap0x still have released a BJFnt decryptor, but their one is not *fully* working and is still buggy.
To check it, just try their decrypter with original BJFnt 1.3 crypter (multiple time crypted) and you will see that it crashes...

My decrypter is working with BJFnt 1.3, and i include support for BJFnt 1.2rc (tested on original crypter)...

I have also included source code in masm for those who are interested...

PS: I'm looking for BJFnt v1.0a and v1.1bd to include it in my decrypter.
If you have it, can you send me a link for it or send me it...

Laurent aka BIGBOSS from COPs


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