AddedstubandFixed | 程序非源代码 2021-05-15 395 0star收藏 版权: . 保留作者信息 . 禁止商业使用 . 禁止修改作品
Last Changelog from beta 6, 7 and 8:

  - Fixed NTDLL Compression
  - Added about screen
  - Added "Output stub size" label
  - Rewrote both stub and client from scratch.
  - Added more anti-debuggers/emulators/sandboxes/whatever
  - Added section viewer (+ delete/ + add)
  - Added import/export viewer
  - Added built in Hex Editor
  - Added possibility to change ImageBase and EntryPoint
  - Should have made both stub and client more stable

Last Changelog from Beta 5:

  - Hopefully fixed icon-changer.
  - Hopefully made compression more stable.
  - Added Browse/Save As dialog for output file.
  - Added ADS Filename extension (needs a .exe)
  - Added a disclaimer
  - Added encryption to all strings in stub.
  - Fixed problem with Bifrost and Memory Execute
  - Fixed unnecessary function writings to stub.
  - Fixed output text and writings to stub.

Last Changelog from Beta 4:

  - Added icon-changer!   
  - Made build-window sizeable
  - Added a richedit control instead of memo in build window
  - Encrypts all written strings to the stub IF encryption is choosen.
  - Fixed a bug with apLib in stub
  - Disabled anti-code for vmware, virtual pc and ollydbg until I fix them.

Last Changelog from Beta 2:

  - Drag and Drop support for "Input File" and "Custom Stub" fields.
  - Remember last config
  - Small gui changes
  - If "custom resource names" and "drop to hard drive" was checked, nothing was dropped to disk.
  - Checking every option in client and hitting "Build" raised an access violation.
  - Fixed encryption bug.
  - If "custom resource names" was checked, and the fields was empty, the stub crashed.
  - No longer crashed when apLib fails to compress.
  - Changed "WinExec()" to "ShellExecute()".
  - Resourcenames cannot be the same, or the stub explodes.


上一篇:LockXLS 3.8.8-Revenge
下一篇:Snd Reverser Tool 1.4 Final