LoadDll入口exethe | 程序非源代码 2021-05-12 405 0star收藏 版权: . 保留作者信息 . 禁止商业使用 . 禁止修改作品
LoadDll.exe - 100%停在入口,很多DLL载入后停不到入口点,我借用heXer的代码重新写了一个版本的loaddll.exe,99.9%的dll都可以正常停在入口点.将附件2个文件放到ollydbg.exe同目录下即可

(Loaddll.exe - 100% stops at the entry point. Many DLLs can't stop at the entry point after loading. I wrote a new version of loaddll.exe by borrowing hexer's code. 99.9% of DLLs can stop at the entry point normally. Just put the attachment 2 files in the same directory as ollydbg.exe)


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