ThestructuredataOllyDbg | 程序非源代码 2021-04-16 303 0star收藏 版权: . 保留作者信息 . 禁止商业使用 . 禁止修改作品
StollyStructs v1.0 OllyDbg Plugins,一个插件,帮助可视化和标记OllyDbg中的数据结构。

(A plugin that helps to visualise and label data structures from within OllyDbg.
The idea is simple. When you want to examine a data structure that’s being used in your target now you have to look up the definition of the data structure in MSDN and start counting the bytes to look at the structure member you are interested in. Very tedious work. StollyStructs should bypass all this. It consists of a plug-in dll “stollystruct.dll” and a data file “stollystructs.ini” I parsed the windows.inc file from the masm library to build up the data file and added a few of my own. Currently there are about 1200 structure definitions inside the data file, so chances are that the one you are interested in is in there.)


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