(Remote or local system management kit, including a series of tools as follows: psexec- remote running program; Psfile display remotely opened files; Psgetsid- displays the SID of the computer or user; Pskill kill a process according to its name or ID; Psinfo display system related information; PsList display detailed process information; Psloggedon- displays logging in to the local through resource sharing; Psloglist export log file; Pspasswd- change the user password;
This document contains the following attachments:
Eula. txt
pdh. dll
PsExec. exe
psfile. exe
PsGetsid. exe
PsInfo. exe
pskill. exe
PsList. exe
PsLoggedon. exe
psloglist. exe
pspasswd. exe
PsService. exe
psshutdown. exe
pssuspend. exe
Pstools. chm
psversion. txt