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(PPT:/data/208948 Code:/data/209237 Appendix:/data/208933 With the increasing number of mobile phone manufacturers and mobile operators joining the Open Mobile Alliance, the Android platform is increasingly valued and promoted by a wide range of developers. This book is the collective wisdom crystallization of the earliest Android development team in China. It is truly based on the latest SDKl. 5 of Android, with detailed content and vivid examples, including a large number of sample code, and is highly operable. It not only covers all topics of the Android platform from basic concepts to high-end use, but also introduces several common Android projects in a simple and understandable way, which is of great reference value. In particular, Chapter 10-11 of this book focuses on the three most important features introduced by Android SDK l.5, namely, desktop components, real-time folders, virtual keyboards and the development method used by input methods. Through this book, readers can quickly master the Android platform to build and use programs, and become the trendsetter of Android development. This document includes the following annexes:
Video  Android Video Tutorial Introduction.exe
Video  Lesson 1 Introduction to Android. rar
Video  Lesson 7 Using Service.exe
Video  Lesson 3 The first Android uses. exe
Video  Lesson 2 Building Android Development Environment.exe
Video  Lesson 5 Intent and Activity.exe
Video  Lesson 8 ContentProvider.exe
Video  Lesson 6 Activity Lifecycle. exe
Video  Lesson 4 Basic Android Program.exe)

