Thesoftwarecomputer软件 | 教育系统应用 2022-06-27 102 0star收藏 版权: . 保留作者信息 . 禁止商业使用 . 禁止修改作品
 屏幕自动录像器可将电脑屏幕变化内容完整记录下来,加密后保存在指定文件中,也就是说,对方在电脑上打开任何网页抑或文件,电脑屏幕中所显示的内容都能自动进行录像(支持Win7、vista等系统)。因此请勿将此软件用于非法用途,否则您将承担法律责任。软件支持开机后自动在后台运行,因此不会被对方发现,还支持远程查看记录、进入本程序界面需要密码验证…… 本软件系正规合法的软件,用于监控电脑操作记录、QQ聊天记录、上网记录。主要用于家长对孩童,企业对员工的监督,计算机教室、网吧的监控与管理。请大家不要将本软件与盗号、窃密软件挂钩,安装本软件时请先获得被控电脑主人的授权。 你可以将屏幕自动录像器安装在任何一台电脑上,但它记录生成的文件都经过了加密,直接双击其是不能读取的,您需要用一些专用的读取软件来读取,例如网络人、飞天读取器等,语音教程中分别说明使用网络人个人版和企业版来读取屏幕录像。

(& amp; nbsp; The screen automatic video recorder can completely record the changes on the computer screen, encrypt it and save it in the specified file, that is, when the other party opens any web page or file on the computer, the content displayed on the computer screen can be automatically recorded (win7, vista and other systems are supported). Therefore, please do not use this software for illegal purposes, otherwise you will bear legal responsibility. The software supports automatic running in the background after startup, so it will not be found by the other party. It also supports remote viewing of records and password verification for entering the program interface... & amp; nbsp; This software is a regular and legal software used to monitor computer operation records, QQ chat records and online records. It is mainly used for the supervision of parents over children, enterprises over employees, and the monitoring and management of computer classrooms and Internet cafes. Please do not link this software with the stolen number and secret stealing software. Please obtain the authorization of the owner of the accused computer before installing this software& amp; amp; nbsp; You can install the screen automatic video recorder on any computer, but the files it records and generates are encrypted. Double clicking it directly cannot read. You need to use some special reading software to read, such as webman, Feitian reader, etc. in the voice tutorial, it is explained to use webman personal edition and Enterprise Edition to read the screen video respectively.
This document contains the following attachments:
Screen automatic video recorder exe
Ultimate version of network man remote control software)


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