教育系统应用 2022-06-27 75 0star收藏 版权: . 保留作者信息 . 禁止商业使用 . 禁止修改作品
网络人旗舰版是国内最傻瓜化的远程监控软件(免费)。无须映射便可穿透内网,同步监控QQ、MSN聊天记录及电子邮件内容。还具有屏幕监控,语音视频监控、键盘记录读取、屏幕定时录像、屏幕墙、视频墙等功能。它使用S界上速度最快的VNC核心,远程遥控鼠标键盘以及上传下载文件的速度超快。它是正规合法的软件,可自定义监控时是否让对方发现,不会被杀毒软件当作病毒查杀。【主要功能】1.屏幕墙功能:同时监控多台电脑的屏幕,监控QQ聊天记录、MSN聊天记录、Email内容、上网记录、屏幕录像等电脑操作记录。防止电脑被他人盗用,保护电脑安全。2.视频墙功能:同时监控多台电脑的摄像头,并同时观看摄像头视频。可用于周围环境的安全监控。3.键盘记录读取功能:键盘记录功能可以将被控电脑键盘输入的所有内容都记录下来,加密后保存在指定文件中,支持中、英、日、韩语等多国语言。旗舰版可读取键盘记录器生成的加密文件,并可以远程观看该键盘记录。4.屏幕定时录像读取功能:可以自定义某个时间段自动对被监控方的屏幕进行录像,也可以设置当对方打开某个软件后,再进行屏幕录像,录像文件加密保存,旗舰版可读取该加密文件,支持远程观看。主要用于家长对孩童,企业对员工的监督,计算机教室、网吧的监控与管理。5.批量管理电脑:可以同时关闭、重启或注销多台电脑,方便对多台电脑的统一管理。6.子账户功能:同时类似银行系统的字母卡功能,可以实现多人同时对多人进行远程控制的功能。7.U盾加密保护:为软件提供了电子银行安全级别的保护,极大提高了软件使用的安全性。8.文件分发:把电子文件批量分发到多台指定电脑中,节约资源和时间。9.发送广播:同时向多台指定电脑发送文字信息。具有信息发布范围广,传播迅速的特点。10.访问远程电脑桌面:可以使用本地鼠标键盘如同操作本机一样操作远程电脑。支持文件上传下载、屏幕拍照和录像等。可用于远程电脑维护、远程技术支持等。11.开启远程电脑摄像头:可上下左右旋转带有旋转功能的摄像头。可进行语音视频交流和文字沟通,可对视频进行录像。12.管理远程电脑进程和窗口:对远程电脑的进程和窗口进行各种操作,如结束、保存等。【使用方法】 安装并运行网络人旗舰版,在登录界面免费注册一个ID并登录,同时在你想控制的电脑安装被控端,并以同一个ID登录(压缩包里有被控端软件),被控端登录后,就会出现在控制端的“在线主机”选项卡的页面上,选中其中一个或多个被控端即可进行远程控制。 配合网络人电脑远程开机卡使用,就能实现远程开机——网络人软件随系统启动——自动拨号联网——自动登录会员——远程关机的一系列操作,让你随时随地控制远端电脑。

(The ultimate version of network man is the most stupid remote monitoring software in China (free and free of killing). It can penetrate the intranet without mapping and synchronously monitor QQ, MSN chat records and e-mail content. It also has screen monitoring, voice and video monitoring, keyboard record reading, screen timing video recording, screen wall, video wall and other functions. It uses the world's fastest VNC core, remote control of the mouse and keyboard, and the speed of uploading and downloading files. It is a regular and legal software, which can customize whether to let the other party find it during monitoring, and will not be killed by anti-virus software as a virus. [main functions] 1 Screen wall function: monitor the screens of multiple computers at the same time, and monitor QQ chat records, MSN chat records, email content, Internet access records, screen video and other computer operation records. Prevent the computer from being stolen by others and protect the computer security. 2. video wall function: monitor the cameras of multiple computers at the same time and watch the camera video at the same time. It can be used for safety monitoring of the surrounding environment. 3. keyboard record reading function: the keyboard record function can record all the contents entered by the keyboard of the controlled computer and store them in the specified file after encryption. It supports Chinese, English, Japanese, Korean and other languages. The ultimate version can read the encrypted file generated by the keyboard recorder and can view the keyboard record remotely. 4. screen timing video reading function: you can customize a certain time period to automatically record the screen of the monitored party, or you can set the other party to record the screen after opening a certain software. The video file is encrypted and saved. The flagship version can read the encrypted file and support remote viewing. It is mainly used for the supervision of parents over children, enterprises over employees, and the monitoring and management of computer classrooms and Internet cafes. 5. batch management of computers: you can shut down, restart or log off multiple computers at the same time to facilitate the unified management of multiple computers. 6. sub account function: similar to the letter card function of the banking system, it can realize the remote control function of multiple people at the same time. 7. U-shield encryption protection: it provides e-banking security level protection for the software and greatly improves the security of the software. 8. document distribution: distribute electronic documents in batches to multiple designated computers to save resources and time. 9. send broadcast: send text messages to multiple designated computers at the same time. It has the characteristics of wide range of information release and rapid dissemination. 10. access the desktop of the remote computer: you can use the local mouse and keyboard to operate the remote computer as if you were operating the local computer. Support file uploading and downloading, screen photographing, video recording, etc. It can be used for remote computer maintenance, remote technical support, etc. 11. turn on the remote computer camera: the camera with rotation function can be rotated up, down, left and right. Voice and video communication and text communication can be carried out, and video can be recorded. 12. manage remote computer processes and windows: perform various operations on remote computer processes and windows, such as ending, saving, etc. [usage] & amp; nbsp; Install and run the ultimate version of the network operator, register and log in with an ID free of charge in the login interface, install the controlled end on the computer you want to control, and log in with the same ID (the software of the controlled end is included in the compressed package). After logging in, the controlled end will appear on the page of the "online ho.st" tab of the control end, and select one or more of the controlled ends for remote control& amp; amp; nbsp; Using the remote boot card of the network person computer, you can realize a series of operations of remote boot - the network person software starts with the system - automatic dial-up networking - automatic login to the member - remote shutdown, allowing you to control the remote computer anytime and anywhere.
This document contains the following attachments:
Controlled end rar
Free registration htm
Tutorial download htm
Ultimate version of network man remote control software)

