(This document defines the core feature of the extensible message presence protocol (MPP): the protocol uses the M element to exchange structured information between any two network endpoints in near real time. Although MPP provides a general and extensible framework to exchange mm data, it is mainly used to build instant messaging and online applications that meet the requirements of rfc2779.
1 Introduction
1.1 general
MPP is an open extensible markup language [mm protocol, which is used for near real-time messaging, presence and request response services. The basic syntax semantics were originally developed by jabber open source community in 1999. In 2002, MPPI working group authorized the development of a rewrite of jabbe protocol for IET instant messaging (IM and presence technology).
As a result of the MPPI working group, this document defines xpp1 The core content of Q; Rfc2779 [im-reqs] defines the extension requirements for providing instant messaging and online functions, and mpp Instant messaging and presence [mpp-im] specify.
1.2 terminology
Capitalized keywords in the document: "must", "must NDT", "required", "shall", "shall not", "showjld", "showjld not", "recommended" "Tmay" and "optional" are described in bcp14 and RFC 2119 [terms].
2 overall architecture 2.1 overview
Although MP has nothing to do with any particular network architecture, so far, it is mainly implemented by client server architecture. Among them, the client uses MP to block servers based on TCP connections, and servers also communicate through TC connections.)