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  10. KWS代码
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the人工智能introductoryintelligence | 其它视频/教程 2023-02-28 137 0star收藏 版权: . 保留作者信息 . 禁止商业使用 . 禁止修改作品
当下最火的技术是什么?人工智能绝对在名单上。从前几年科技界的AlphaGo初露锋芒,到近年在消费市场绽放的智能产品,Al潜移默化地改变了我们的生活。 way!,然而,非相关专业想学,却很难找到难度适中的课程,要么太晦涩难懂,满是复杂的数学公式,要么就是为了避开数学,让人抓不住重点,一门只有中学数学知识才能看懂的人工智能入门课程,零基础学习+多项目实践,重新解构AI入门陡峭的知识曲线。

(What is the hottest technology right now? Artificial intelligence is definitely on the list. From the debut of AlphaGo in the technology industry a few years ago, to the smart products blooming in the consumer market in recent years, Al has subtly changed our lives. way!, however, non-related majors want to learn, but it is difficult to find a moderately difficult course, either too obscure and full of complicated mathematical formulas, or to avoid mathematics, making people unable to grasp the key points. The introductory course of artificial intelligence that can only be understood by middle school mathematics knowledge, zero-based learning + multi-item combat, re-deconstructs the steep knowledge curve of AI introductory.)


