Thepoints知识点解题 | 其它视频/教程 2023-02-27 180 0star收藏 版权: . 保留作者信息 . 禁止商业使用 . 禁止修改作品
课程概念清晰,各模块之间逻辑层次感强,解题方法简洁高效,易错点正确,对共考知识点把握度高; Strong老师授课的课程理念,解题方法简单高效,易错点正确,对共考知识点把握度高。全程教授高等数学、线代数、概率这三门学科。

(The course concept is clear, each module has a strong sense of logical hierarchy, the problem-solving method is concise and efficient, the error-prone points are correct, and the knowledge points of the common test are high; the course concept taught by Mr. Strong is simple and efficient, and the error-prone points are correct , with a high degree of grasp of the common test knowledge points. The three subjects of advanced mathematics, linear algebra, and probability are taught throughout the course.)


