and零基测绘法knowledge | 编程教程 2023-02-17 203 0star收藏 版权: . 保留作者信息 . 禁止商业使用 . 禁止修改作品
本套课程是一套专门的多方位网页设计教程,让您快速学习网页设计知识和流程。学后知识点: 1.互联网认知与思考; 2、基本概念(HTTP、FTP传输协议、域名); 3.屏幕分辨率和内容宽度; 4. 网页结构(页眉、内容、页脚);5.文本规范; 6.色彩的运用; 7.测绘法; 8.条幅制作流程与方法。

(This set of courses is a set of specialized multi-faceted web design tutorials, allowing you to quickly learn web design knowledge and processes. Post-learning knowledge points: 1. Internet cognition and thinking; 2. Basic concepts (HTTP, FTP transfer protocol, domain name); 3. Screen resolution and content width; 4. Web page structure (header, content, footer); 5. Text specification; 6. Application of color; 7. Surveying and mapping method; 8. Banner production process and method.)


