and主宰失败他们 | 其它视频/教程 2023-02-17 161 0star收藏 版权: . 保留作者信息 . 禁止商业使用 . 禁止修改作品
成功的人以积极的态度主宰他们的生活。他们总是以积极的思考和乐观的态度主宰和掌控自己的生活,而失败的人则被过去的失败和怀疑所引导和主宰。他们是空虚和悲观的。 、失望、消极颓废,最终失败。希望这套心态训练课程能成为入门砖,对你以后的生活有所帮助。

《越哭越伤心》是一种心态。这就是著名的墨菲定律。如果你认为事情会变得更糟,那它肯定会变得更糟。总是说自己很惨的人,会越来越惨。 “一比一比,痛苦减半”也是一种心态。如果我相处不好,那不是最难受的。我认识的人都比我好,我活不下去了。所以,S界上最好的安慰,不是告诉对方一切都会好起来的,而是皱着眉头说,“哭个屁,你看,我比你还惨。”

成功的人以积极的态度主宰他们的生活。他们总是以积极的思考和乐观的态度主宰和掌控自己的生活,而失败的人则被过去的失败和怀疑所引导和主宰。他们是空虚和悲观的。 、失望、消极颓废,最终失败。希望这套心态训练课程能成为入门砖,对你以后的生活有所帮助。

(Successful people dominate their lives with a positive attitude. They always dominate and take charge of their lives with positive thinking and optimism, while the failed ones are guided and dominated by past failures and doubts. They are empty and pessimistic. , disappointment, negative decadence, and ultimately failure. I hope this set of mentality training courses can become an entry brick and help you in your future life.

"The more you cry, the more sad you become" is a state of mind. This is the famous Murphy's Law. If you think things are going to get worse, it sure is. People who always say that they are miserable will become more and more miserable. "Comparing one to one, the pain is halved" is also a mentality. If I don't get along, it's not the worst. Everyone I know is better than me, and I can't live anymore. Therefore, the best comfort in the world is not to tell the other party that everything will be fine, but to frown and say, "Cry ass, look, I am worse than you."

Successful people dominate their lives with a positive attitude. They always dominate and take charge of their lives with positive thinking and optimism, while the failed ones are guided and dominated by past failures and doubts. They are empty and pessimistic. , disappointment, negative decadence, and ultimately failure. I hope this set of mentality training courses can become an entry brick and help you in your future life.)


