JavaScript本书Thisand | java书籍 2022-05-01 275 0star收藏 版权: . 保留作者信息 . 禁止商业使用 . 禁止修改作品
本书系统地介绍了JavaScript的基本语法、基本对象、调试工具和故障排除技术、事件处理机制、浏览器对象模型/文档对象模型(BOM/DOM)等方面的知识,并通过一个复杂的例子深入Ajax应用。 探索了。 本书提供了许多通俗易懂、主题鲜明的示例,介绍了大量的最佳实践和良好的编程习惯,对于提高代码的可读性、可维护性以及许多跨浏览器的兼容性问题具有很高的价值。 给出了详细的描述以跟踪新规范的发展。
本书适合希望通过 JavaScript 为网页/网站增添活力的读者。 不管你有没有编程经验,通过阅读本书,你都可以快速掌握这项技术。 在阅读本书之前,最好对 CSS、HTML/XHTML 有一个很好的了解。

(This book systematically introduces the basic syntax, basic objects, debugging tools and troubleshooting technology of JavaScript, event processing mechanism, browser object model / document object model (BOM / DOM), and goes deep into Ajax Application through a complex example. Explored. This book provides many easy to understand and themed examples, introduces a large number of best practices and good programming habits, and is of high value for improving code readability, maintainability and many cross browser compatibility problems. A detailed description is given to track the development of the new specification.This book is suitable for readers who want to add vitality to web pages / websites through JavaScript. Whether you have programming experience or not, you can quickly master this technology by reading this book. Before reading this book, you'd better have a good understanding of CSS and HTML / XHTML.)

