JavaScript本书操作programming | java书籍 2022-05-01 357 0star收藏 版权: . 保留作者信息 . 禁止商业使用 . 禁止修改作品
丰富的案例,从基本的表格操作、表单操作,到在浏览器端构建富文本编辑器,再到实现Windows等复杂的UI操作,每个案例都让读者学习到主流的JavaScript开发技巧。 .
对于初学者,本书还讲解了 JavaScript 的基本语法,因此即使没有任何编程语言基础,读者也能理解 JavaScript 的工作原理。对于有其他编程语言基础的读者,本书还介绍了JavaScript的高级用法,让这种被称为“脚本”的语言也可以像其他编程语言(如C\C++、Java)一样实现复杂的操作。

(This book is based on the use of JavaScript in various application development (such as B2B, B2C and C2C)Targeted arrangementRich cases, from basic table operation and form operation, to building rich text editor on the browser side, and then to realizing complex UI operations such as windows, each case enables readers to learn mainstream JavaScript development skillsFor beginners, this book also explains the basic syntax of JavaScript, so even without any programming language foundation, readers can understand the working principle of JavaScript. For readers who are based on other programming languages, this book also introduces the advanced usage of JavaScript, so that this language called "script" can also realize complex operations like other programming languages (such as C \ C + +, Java).Even in browsersGames that usually only appear in desktop programs.This book is not only the first choice for self-taught JavaScript lovers, but also very suitable for teaching in Colleges and universities and social training institutions.)

